About us

Magic Bee's main objective is to offer organic, natural and sustainable products.We work hand in hand with Brazilian producers to help reforestation and the conservation of the Atlantic Forest.We want to help preserve Brazilian native bee species and multiply hives in their biome while supporting a breeding process that respects the animal.We are convinced that collaboration with local producers ensures the traceability of a sustainable and ecological product with various health benefits.Thank you for your support for the preservation of native bees and the conservation of the Atlantic Rainforest.

Our Mission

Help the growth of native bees.
Our main objective is the recovery, conservation and multiplication of stingless bees native to Brazil, in order to reintroduce these species to their original biomes.
We collaborate with Breyer bee product and Melíponas who actively participate in the conservation and restoration of the natural resources of the Atlantic Forest.
These ecological companies focused exclusively on native Brazilian bees, also seek to organize and empower local producers, through a humane breeding process.
The conservation and multiplication of native hives in their biomes is at the center of our concerns.
In partnership with local producers, and by selling their honey, we will be able to preserve the species and the flora that grows around them!